特許権者に対して制裁を課した稀なる判決 Raylon,
LLC v. Complus Data Innovations, Inc. et al., Fed.
Cir., Dec. 7, 2012 |
Raylon alleged that the accused devices all literally met the “display
being pivotally mounted on said housing” element because they each had “a display that is mounted on the housing and can
be pivoted relative to the viewer’s or user’s angle of visual orientation.”
J.A. 4223; J.A. 4912; J.A. 5768. In other words, under Raylon’s theory of
infringement a display with a fixed-mounted screen meets the ‘pivotally
mounted on said housing’ limitation when the user pivots the device by moving
his elbow, wrist, or other joint. (opinion paragraph bridging page 6 and
page 7)
RaylonはUSP589のクレームの要件で「表示部39はハウジング13に対して搖動可能に取り付けられている」がありながらも、表示部がハウジングに固定されている被疑者(Compus, Casio, Symbol)の製品を文言侵害および均等論侵害で提訴した。
Fig. 1 of USP
6,655,589 (Raylon)