Pro Se Filing Pilot Program






 Tatsuo YABE

  December 01, 2014  


USPTOは代理人(Patent Agent/Patent Attorney)を利用しない自分自身で特許出願することを希望する発明者(あるいは小規模事業者)向けの特別審査部門(Pro Se Pilot Examination Unit)を立ち上げ、出願明細書作成など全般にわたる米国特許出願手続きを補助するパイロットプラグラムを本年10月から開始したことをPTOホームページで公開した(20141124 日)。 本パイロットプラグラムは本年220日に発表されたObama大統領の行政庁に対する指令に基づくものである。 即ち、個人発明家或いは小規模事業者にとって代理人を介して米国特許出願をするのはやはりかなり高額となり出願したくともできないという事態を少しでも救済しようとするものである。







Contact the Pro Se Assistance Program 

For general inquiries, questions about your application, or other pro se matters, 

the Pro Se Assistance Program can be contacted in a variety of ways: 


Toll free phone number: 1-866-767-3848 
or call: 571-272-8877

Post Mail:  
Mail Stop 24
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA, 22313-1450



★ 尚、上記Pro Se Programに関連し、Patent Pro Bono Program(公益弁護活動の一環として個人発明家など代理人費用を捻出困難な発明家に対して弁護士が無料で特許出願を代理するプログラム)は既に幾つかの州で進められており(ミネソタ州では2011年から既に継続実施されている)、より広範囲に当該プログラムを広げるべく本年1118日にPTOの支援体制及び同プログラムに参加を希望する発明家に対してより統合的な情報を盛込む詳細内容がPTOホーム―ページで発表された。



Pro se: 自分自身で(弁護士をつけない)

Pro bono: 無料の(善意からの)




Director's Forum: A Blog from USPTO's Leadership

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Monday Nov 24, 2014


USPTO Establishes Special Examination Unit for Pro Se Applicants

Blog by Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the USPTO Michelle K. Lee


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is committed to assisting inventors by offering education and tools to those who file U.S. patent applications without the help of a patent attorney or agent. This is known as pro se filing. Our Office of Innovation Development (OID) has a long history of helping pro se filers and independent inventors understand and navigate the patenting process as well as offering a variety of resources and outreach programs to the public. The agency is now expanding these services by piloting a special unit focused on examining applications filed by pro se applicants. The new Pro Se Pilot Examination Unit is the product of an executive action issued by the White House earlier this year.


The Pro Se Pilot Examination Unit began in October 2014 and will operate for at least one year. Comprised of experienced examiners from all scientific disciplines, these examiners receive training surrounding issues often encountered by pro se applicants, such as how to respond to a Notice of Missing Parts or how to revive an unintentionally abandoned application. In addition, the examiners provide customer support and answer general patent related questions via a toll-free number, email, or a walk-in service. Lastly, they spearhead development of specialized training materials on the intricacies of filing a patent application.


Applications filed by pro se applicants are randomly assigned to the Pro Se Pilot Examination Unit. By comparing data for applications examined by the unit against a control group of pro se applications filed during the same time period, the office can evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Likewise, the office can further improve the training and resources available to not only pro se and independent inventors but also other examiners.


The Pro Se Pilot Examination Unit is one more way the USPTO fulfils its duties to promote the advancement of technology, and to ensure creators benefit from their intellectual property and that society benefits from their inventions as well. Learn more about the Pro Se Assistance Program on our website


(1) US Patent Related 

(2) Case Laws 

(3) Self-Study Course

(4) NY Bar Prep

